Monday, February 14, 2011

wedding with a side of fries

no joke, in Hong Kong people can now get married at mcdonalds. Apparently a lot of people date their, so the locals have no problems tieing the not over there, but still it makes me wonder, could it catch on in America or western Europe? Would anyone reading this blog ever consider getting married at mickey D's, when u think about it, its more a celebration than getting married at the courthouse, or a Las Vegas drive thru wedding. Perhaps you could get the hamburgler to give away the bride?


  1. Lol wow that's crazy. I rather get married at Vegas any day then Mcdonalds!

  2. one of those things that makes you just stop, think, and shake your head.

  3. I saw this somewhere a couple of weeks ago I think (maybe on TV?). It's a beautiful thing for someone like me who thinks it is ridiculous to spend a down payment on a home for a piece of paper + party.

    That said, I think I'd still want to do something a little bit classier than McDs!

  4. Hello man!! N I C E BLOG!!!!

    I wait on my blog!!!

    $upporting BRO!!!

  5. I'd rather be married in a McDonald's than a church, but I would just do whatever the bride wanted.
    I wouldn't want to ruin some girl's fairy tale wedding day dreams.

  6. I don't think I could get married in a Mcdonalds...but Tacobell is a different story.

    following and supporting

  7. I wouldn't even consider eating at a Mickey D's.

  8. Cool McD's Wedding - wait till i tell the fiancée!!!

  9. Hopefully I don't get married at a fast food place!

  10. Hmm I remember reading somewhere that McDonald's in Asia are different than the western ones! All I know is I would love to have a nice McRib right now...

  11. what?! yeah..... weird... i'm kinda scared for the world now
