Thursday, February 10, 2011

Every day is the same day

I've been thinking lately, what the world be like to you if every day at the same time the world reset 24 hours exactly back in time. You would be reliving the same day every day, but you were the only person in the world who could remember anything. It opens up a lot of possibilities; steal stuff commit various crimes, skip work/school, etc. I would think that most people would love to do this for a while, but what about if it kept happening forever, endlessly looping the same day for all eternity. I want to know what you all think.


  1. Great idea for a blog, would the day being repeated keep having the same events occur? If so i'm not sure that I would enjoy that, especially if the day included the death of someone very close to you.. that would seem like a nightmare.

  2. That would be weird - imagine if it was groundhog day too - how weird would that be!

  3. you could explore anything you ever wanted to do... so many possibilities...and you know the world resets the next day

  4. i dont think it'd be that bad. even for all eternity. you can always keep doing different stuff and you remember it...i'd have fun with it. i'd enjoy meeting new people and finding things out about them, then go up to them the next(same) day and tell them things that i shouldnt know...the possibilities for messing with people are endless.

  5. You gotta watch Groundhog day, its the same situation...the guy is stuck living the same day he does a lot of things...I won't spoil it. You can't go wrong with B. Murray.
